
Consetetur lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

video content
Video Production

3 Guidelines to Create Engaging Video Content

Over the past decade, a single mantra has plagued internal marketing teams around the world: “We need to be doing more on social media”. In today’s digital age, video content has emerged as the medium of choice for brands to connect with their audiences with 91% of

harrisburg volunteering

What If? Transforming Harrisburg Through 1 Hour of Volunteer Work

This may sound altruistic, but I thought about our community and ‘what if’ a group of people could commit to volunteering one more hour per month?  What kind of exponential impact could that have in Harrisburg?  I’m not talking about spinning the “wheel of charities” and picking one at random but finding an organization that

Media Insights

Media Buying in a Political Year: Useful Guide

If you are placing a “business as usual” media plan your client’s strategy may not withstand the political blitzkrieg that is already underway.  There are several factors to ensure messages effectively reach your client’s audiences without being overshadowed or even

marketing resources
Marketing Plan

3 Important Questions to Ask About Your Marketing Resources

By “marketing resources”, I don’t mean your budget. I’m talking about what it takes to actually run a successful marketing campaign, and this is where the right agency partner may be your most cost-effective and impactful way to increase your

social media
Social Media

Social Media Growth: 3 Practical Steps

Elevating your company’s social media presence requires more than just sporadic posting or generic content. It demands a strategic approach that focuses on authenticity, engagement, and


Level up your Partnerships with Collaboration

Collaboration is defined as the action of working with someone to produce or create something.  What if that “something” was to solve a unique brand challenge?  Sure, you are likely noodling out ideas and innovation one partner at a time, but harnessing the collective brain-trust of internal teams and external partners through

Video Production

3 Ways to Make Ineffective Video Content

Well-crafted video content is your most effective tool for building trust with a prospective customer or client before you ever meet them. And a bad video is the fastest way to lose it.  Production quality reflects professionalism and dedication to excellence, influencing how your audience perceives your products or services before you even say a word. 

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