
video content

3 Guidelines to Create Engaging Video Content

Over the past decade, a single mantra has plagued internal marketing teams around the world: “We need to be doing more on social media”. In today’s digital age, video content has emerged as the medium of choice for brands to connect with their audiences with 91% of

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harrisburg volunteering

What If? Transforming Harrisburg Through 1 Hour of Volunteer Work

This may sound altruistic, but I thought about our community and ‘what if’ a group of people could commit to volunteering one more hour per month?  What kind of exponential impact could that have in Harrisburg?  I’m not talking about spinning the “wheel of charities” and picking one at random but finding an organization that

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Media Buying in a Political Year: Useful Guide

If you are placing a “business as usual” media plan your client’s strategy may not withstand the political blitzkrieg that is already underway.  There are several factors to ensure messages effectively reach your client’s audiences without being overshadowed or even

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Level up your Partnerships with Collaboration

Collaboration is defined as the action of working with someone to produce or create something.  What if that “something” was to solve a unique brand challenge?  Sure, you are likely noodling out ideas and innovation one partner at a time, but harnessing the collective brain-trust of internal teams and external partners through

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3 Ways to Make Ineffective Video Content

Well-crafted video content is your most effective tool for building trust with a prospective customer or client before you ever meet them. And a bad video is the fastest way to lose it.  Production quality reflects professionalism and dedication to excellence, influencing how your audience perceives your products or services before you even say a word. 

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reach and frequency

Reach and Frequency: March Madness Edition

With major sporting events like the Super Bowl or March Madness, the creative is just as important as the reach and frequency of the media buy.  By understanding the audience, leveraging emotional connections, and capitalizing on contextual relevance, advertisers can appeal to the finicky fan bases and casual viewers alike.

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How to Target without Cookies

In an advertising landscape without cookies, first-party data reigns supreme. This data, collected directly from your audience, is a goldmine for understanding customer behavior and preferences.

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Top 10 2024 Super Bowl Commercials

Super Bowl commercials have come a long way. The journey from simple ads to star-studded, digitally integrated campaigns reflects the changing landscape of advertising and consumer engagement. As we eagerly await each year’s commercials, one thing is certain – Super Bowl advertising will continue to captivate audiences and set new standards for creativity and marketing innovation.

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Avoid the Marketing Rut

Does your status quo marketing plan leave you feeling in a rut about how to shake things up for your organization, generate new leads, or just generally create a unique buzz around your brand?

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The Art of the Painless RFP

For most marketers, the Request for Proposal (RFP) process is often met with dread. It’s infamous for its complexities, time-consuming nature, and sometimes ambiguous outcomes. By implementing a few strategic measures, the RFP process can be transformed into a painless and productive endeavor for both the issuing company and the responding parties.

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3 Questions to ask about your 2024 Marketing Plan

Let’s begin by asking the most basic question – do you have a strategy in place for 2023 or just a basic idea of what you will do? Skipping the marketing plan is a common mistake many organizations make. Imagine the potential of a contractor building a home with no blueprint.

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Audience Targeting in Today’s Digital World

Digital audience targeting is exciting! And complex…While we’d argue that digital audience targeting is equal parts science and art, we’ve laid out some of the core methodologies in this guide to provide you with a foundation to build upon.

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Omni-channel vs Multi-channel Marketing

Multi-channel marketing is the traditional approach used in customer advertising. It distributes marketing messages across a variety of channels ranging from print to online, indirect to direct that may or may not be synchronized. A company’s messaging can be powerful within each of the channels but if they do not work together and the potential customer cannot move between them seamlessly, the effectiveness of moving them into action is diminished.

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The Power of Publisher Direct

If you think of print advertising when you think of Publisher Direct, it’s time to redefine the publishing universe and what it means to advertisers.

Yes, publisher direct still includes newspapers, magazines, and trade journals. However, it also means access to direct websites, online networks, native content, and eNewsletter deployments that help advertisers reach their target audience effectively through trusted, brand-safe delivery. Here are five benefits of having Publisher Direct placements as part of your marketing mix.

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Pushing the GO Button on Content Marketing

Content.  The very word can send shutters up the spine of even the most experienced marketer.  There is content for Search Engine Optimization, content for marketing, content for social media, content for shareholders and the list goes on.  It is different by platform. It encompasses websites, blogs, comments, images, videos, whitepapers articles, press releases and educational materials.  Creating, writing and managing content can be overwhelming and divert resources that some companies cannot afford to dilute.

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A Case for Managed Service

Building, growing and maintaining a business is no small feat.  Even seemingly simple concepts require a combination of operational, accounting, marketing and human resource acumen.  Partnering with a consultant can seem like an admission of failure or an unnecessary expense, but we would like to challenge that line of thinking.

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